
Use this for easy navigation to main pages. This is hidden on your site
Downloads Instructions. This is hidden on your site
  • Downloads are served from the CONTENT DATABASE, based on a few properties:
    1. Type: Download
    2. Status: Live - a Download (or any entry) marked as Draft will not serve to a page.
    3. Price: Make that money
    4. Super:link - TBD whether or not you want to use this, but it's easiest if you have a Super:link set for product purchase. If it's a Gumroad product, the gumroad.js is in the <head> tab so the user clicks generates a purchase modal.
  • Gallery images are from the Download content image NOT the Hero cover image
  • You can link to Gumroad (or wherever) via the callout button below or through the super:link property field
  • Again - If the super:link is active, your product's page won't be viewable and instead the user will be sent directly to the purchasing site. If you don't want that and want to use you product page to really "sell" your product, you can! Just use the "Buy Me" callout to insert a link to your product



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